Friday, March 23, 2012

Subspecies, Inc. by Mike Arsuaga

What's the genre? What is it you like or don't like about this cover? Does it make you want to know more about the book? Does it make you want to BUY the book? Discuss.


  1. Paranormal romance of course.

    The artwork works very well, and I like the color scheme. I do not, however, like the typeface or treatment. It's almost impossible to read; I had to look at "subspecies" for over 30 seconds before I figured out what the word was. The author name also fades back into the background too much. There's just not enough contrast.

  2. I agree exactly. maybe now I can convince the CA

  3. @Mike, if this is your book and you are paying the CA, then it's your call (and I say this as a graphic designer for a lot of years).

  4. Robin,
    The cover is free. Done through the publisher. I have no sense of what's good and not. I thought feedback from this site might help me.

  5. @Mike, yeah, in that case you could be in trouble. The cover might not be too bad in print form, but it doesn't work well in electronic form.

  6. I will second robin comments about type face and agree with her.

  7. I thought it might be Sci-Fi (from the title). Didn't really like to art work. A couple : a city scape. It looks like the artist put a lot of work into it and came up with an unclear message. What's it trying to say? Doesn't look like anything paranormal to me. Sorry, Mike (but I'm no expert). I agree with the others about the font.
