Sunday, March 25, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Special by JJ Toner

What's the genre? What is it you like or don't like about this cover? Does it make you want to know more about the book? Does it make you want to BUY the book? Discuss.


  1. It looks like a crime drama or thriller.

    This cover does nothing for me.

    The white background is flat and doesn't help in anyway. The text is also dull. "Day" is in the wrong location, it either should be centered or flush left with the line above it. And the word special, just is not special. The yellow doesn't work.

  2. Yes, crime drama. Very obviously "home done". Typrography is lopsided, drop shadow does not work, the whole thing is a redo.

  3. Thanks for those helpful comments. Other people have said the font looks like something from kindergarten. What do you guys think?

