Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Death Offerings by Alicia Dean

What's the genre? What is it you like or don't like about this cover? Does it make you want to know more about the book? Does it make you want to BUY the book? Discuss.


  1. What a great cover! Perfectly suits the title. Can't wait for the book to come out. Absolutely loved Death Notice

  2. This cover does not do anything for me. I do not like the combination of Dropcap style plus script lowercase style. It's jangling and chaotic. the color is muddy. It's hard to see what she's doing; took me quite awhile to figure out that she was leaning on a cross. The head in the background is very unattractive; hope he's not supposed to be the hero. And the heavy white glow on the author name does not look professional.

  3. I like the cover -- to me it has just the right amount of "creep" to spark my interest. I noticed the cross immediatetly and I think that is probably what drew me in the most. And the dual photographs paired with the individual words is a nice pairing--gives the tone of each word definition quite well!

  4. THis is a haunting cover that makes me want to buy and read it because I love the shadowy surroundings and the woman's posture. It makes me want to learn about her. She looks like a fighter, and I'm ready to root for her. And who is that man who looks so ominous? All of this makes me want to learn the story behind this cover.

  5. I have to admit, thrillers are not my read of choice. But I love Alicia's writing and that draws me in. This cover is creepy, yet I agree with Joya, she looks like a fighter. The transparent penny in the front right makes me curious as to how it fits into the grand scheme of things.

  6. Creepy, looks like one bad dude and the girl is in danger. Guessing a thriller. Very chilling!

  7. The eyes looking out over title--and with the word DEATH so close and in bold type--works to give me strong feeling of danger for the heroine. I like it!

  8. I like the idea behind this cover, but not the way that it's put together.

    I also could not tell what the girl is doing. at first glance I thought she was pumping water (no joke). I would suggest bringing up the brightness on the cross so that we can clearly see that.

  9. I really like the bottom section of the cover and would have left off the man's eyes at the top. The picture seems grainy compared to the clarity of the bottom half.

    If this book is anything like Death Notice I will be one of the first in line to get a copy.

  10. I like the back lighting of the girl, but think the eyes at the top could be a little sharper to be more piercing. The title really stands out and the penny is intriguing. I like the glow-ability of the author's name. I plan to check this book out.
