Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grave Situation by Alex MacLean

What's the genre? What is it you like or don't like about this cover? Does it make you want to know more about the book? Does it make you want to BUY the book? Discuss.


  1. This looks to be horror.

    I like the artwork and even the title text. However, the author's name is very hard to read. I would suggest a slightly bolder type face with more of an outline or drop shadow to make it stand out more.

  2. Thanks, Eric. I agree, it does look to be horror. Maybe even a medical thriller. It's actually a mystery/suspense novel. That's why I recently had the cover redone.

    All the best,

  3. Can I have this one if you're not going to use it? ;)

  4. I also thought this was horror. Good luck with the new cover.

  5. Thanks Charlie. Do you like the cover, Jude?
