Friday, October 28, 2011

Sleight of Hand by Kate Kelly

What's the genre? What is it you like or don't like about this cover? Does it make you want to know more about the book? Does it make you want to BUY the book? Discuss.


  1. I would say a romance, and not bad. I like the title treatment, though the yellow is just a bit difficult to read on the background, especially the "of" which is a very thinstroke typeface.

    If I had a criticism it would be that the fades are awfully abrupt and squared off, so that she kind of looks like she was amputated just above the boobs, and her head looks oddly flat on top. I'd make that a must less abrupt transition. Overall though, a good cover that fits it genre.

  2. I really like the cover, tho I wish I could see more of the man's face. I would like to see the setting at the bottom a bit lighter. But I love the look the gal is giving that guy. It says romantic suspense all the way for me.

  3. Robin,
    That was probably my fault and not the designer's. There was too much boob showing in the original and I asked for less!
    Thanks for commenting.

  4. The fonts are gorgeous. The tight focus on the couple announces romance, and the title and hint of darkness/mystery (man's face obscured in shadow) suggests suspense. I love it!

  5. Hi Kate, I really like the cover. Suggests romance and the title suggests a suspense/magical element?

  6. I would say romance.

    It is not a bad cover, but I would agree that the fade between the background and the people. I might suggest that the image of the couple is shrunk down about 10-20% with a much larger fade/feather between the foreground and background.

  7. Attractive cover but the title is slightly difficult to read because of the colour.

  8. I had to come back and look at it again. ,-) What I like most about this cover is that if you shrink it down to avatar or button size, it still does its job very well.

  9. I would guess interracial romance. The couple photo is lovely, but as others have said, the fade is too abrupt. Also, the background photo behind the couple is dull and dark, and it competes with the photo in the foreground. I would suggest lightening and brightening the background photo and do a gradual fade at the bottom of the couple photo. Let the couple photo completely bleed off the top and side edges of the cover. The blue on the man's ear and side of his face is off-putting and really calls attention to itself.

  10. This cover definitely says romantic suspense to me. I like the way the fonts have been used in the title!

  11. Hi Kate, I love the look the blonde gives, wow, and I love the faded man look. It does look suspense.
