Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Wind and Sea by Marsha Canham

What's the genre? What's the logline? What is it you like or don't like about this cover? Does it make you want to know more about the book? Does it make you want to BUY the book? Discuss.


  1. This cover screams "bodice ripping romance"

    Very good cover, but the small quote text is very hard to read in thumbnail. Do we need these types of quotes on the cover of e-books? Shouldn't they be saved for the Amazon Blurb?

  2. I agree. I think this cover looks good. Just drop the blurb. Put it in your description instead.

  3. Excellent cover. Very professional looking and is clearly a pirate historical romance.

    I agree with the others to remove the blurb and put it in the product description instead. It's totally unreadable at thumbnail. You can put it back on for the print edition, if you do one.

  4. Giant lovers floating waist deep in the tumultuous sea . . .

    I really like the overall look of this cover, and the small text wouldn't bother me, actually (it'd be better without the small text, though). The font is perfect.

    I'd pick it up.

  5. Wow, that's hot. I'd totally buy this book just based on the cover. I actually think I will put it on my wish list!

  6. Thanks for all the comments, I appreciate them. I've tried to make my covers tell the readers exactly what they can expect inside and judging by the comments...I've succeeded. *grin*

  7. bodices were ripped in the telling of this story LOL
